Productive use products enable consumers to support their livelihood through income generation, employment opportunities, and diversification of economic activities, according to GOGLA. One of the ways to do so is through the largest employer in the world, agriculture, which sustains the livelihood of over 40% of the world’s population.
Angaza has partnered with three manufacturers to bring pay-as-you-go enabled productive use products to support agriculture across emerging markets. These products, from ATEC, Futurepump, and Solar Village, enable last-mile distributors to offer a variety of off-grid productive use products to their clients, helping strengthen their livelihood through agriculture.
ATEC Biodigester
The first-ever pay-as-you-go enabled biodigester available for last-mile farmers, the ATEC Biodigester comes with a biodigester tank, gas piping, desulphuriser, twin burner biogas cookstove, and biogas rice cooker. The biodigester system converts animal, plant, kitchen, and even human waste into clean, renewable biogas and fertilizer.
Families with two livestock or 5kg of plant waste per day can utilize the ATEC biodigester to convert enough gas to meet their daily cooking needs. Each ATEC system also produces up to 20 tons of organic crop fertilizer annually, increasing farm yields by up to 30%. These outputs from the system can equal up to $500 in savings for the average Cambodian family, while also saving 75 tons of greenhouse gas emissions during the system’s 25-year lifespan.
Solar Water Pump from Futurepump
Futurepump’s SF2 is a solar water pump that provides solar-powered irrigation for smallholder farmers. Designed to irrigate up to two acres, the solar water pump is capable of pumping one liter per second, or 3,600 liters per hour. The SF2 is equipped with either an 80W or 120W solar panel to power the system and comes with a five-year warranty. It is available with the following accessories: direct irrigation using a hosepipe, sprinklers, drip, and overhead tanks.
Solar Village Battery Stick
Solar Village’s Battery Stick functions as a multi-purpose solar-powered tool for smallholder farmers. The Battery Stick comes with a built-in 140 lumen LED torch and mobile phone charger, and powers a 220 lumen LED lamp. It can also power a range of household and productive use appliances, such as a pesticide sprayer, fan, TV, and speaker.
To learn more about selling pay-as-you-go productive use products on the Angaza platform, please contact our team.