5 Solar Radios Enabled With Angaza Pay-As-You-Go Technology

Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs According to UNESCO, “radio is possibly the most important medium of communication in developing countries because it is an affordable, portable source of real-time information. Information that can facilitate the empowerment of vulnerable communities who are isolated geographically, culturally or linguistically and whose representation is generally […]

“We the Future” TED Talk: Ending Energy Poverty and Building Credit

On September 25, 2018, Angaza CEO Lesley Marincola joined 12 speakers and two performers at “We the Future,” a day of talks at the TED World Theater presented in collaboration with the Skoll Foundation and the United Nations Foundation.

How Mobile Network Operators Utilize Prepaid Scratch Cards

This is a continuing series on using keycode systems to deliver pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar in off-grid energy markets. Why Distributors Use Pay-As-You-Go How Mobile Network Operators Utilize Prepaid Scratch Cards << You’re here How Secure Pay-As-You-Go Keycode Systems Operate How Pay-As-You-Go Product Activation Works The Design Approach for Developing Keycode Systems In our last article, we […]

8 Pay-As-You-Go Solar Energy Questions Answered

On September 20, 2018 Angaza CEO Lesley Marincola conducted a Quora Session to answer eight questions from the Quora audience about solar energy access in emerging markets, the Pay-As-You-Go business model, and more. Here is a review of the top four most pressing questions and their answers. Each of the four questions are linked to […]

Angaza and Amped Innovation Bring WOWsolar to Off-Grid Consumers

Angaza is partnering with Amped Innovation to bring three solar home lighting systems to rural off-grid communities around the world. The partnership makes the WOWsolar product line (60/100/TV) compatible with Angaza’s Pay-As-You-Go technology, enabling incremental payment options for off-grid consumers. “We are very excited to partner with Amped Innovation because of our aligned missions to bring […]

Reducing Risks in Embedded Software with Static Code Analysis

This is part-two of a three-part series on building reliable embedded systems. Off-Grid PAYG Solutions in Limited or No Connectivity Environments Reducing Risks in Embedded Software with Static Code Analysis << You’re here Developing PAYG Embedded Software Modules with Unit Testing At Angaza, we use Continuous Integration (CI) and regression tests as part of the […]

How Unbundling Pay-As-You-Go Solar Drives Market Expansion

On November 20, 2018, Angaza CEO Lesley Marincola joined a GOGLA and BFA co-hosted webinar to discuss how unbundled pay-as-you-go business models are driving market expansion.

Off-Grid PAYG Solutions in Limited or No Connectivity Environments

This is part one of a three-part series on building reliable embedded systems. Off-Grid PAYG Solutions in Limited or No Connectivity Environments << You’re here Reducing Risks in Embedded Software with Static Code Analysis Developing PAYG Embedded Software Modules with Unit Testing Angaza creates technologies that allow businesses to offer life-changing products like solar home […]

Our Hiring Process: Software Engineer Interview

We’re excited that you discovered Angaza and that its mission resonates with you. Our software engineer interview process includes four steps: resume review, phone call, software project, and on-site interview. The entire process is guided by two principles: 1) treat the candidate with compassion and empathy, not as an adversary; and 2) evaluate the candidate […]

Why Distributors Use Pay-As-You-Go

This is a continuing series on using keycode systems to deliver Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar in off-grid energy markets. Why Distributors Use Pay-As-You-Go << You’re here How Mobile Network Operators Utilize Prepaid Scratch Cards How Secure Pay-As-You-Go Keycode Systems Operate How Pay-As-You-Go Product Activation Works The Design Approach for Developing Keycode Systems (Imagine you want to start […]