Angaza and PowerOak Partner to Expand Access to Affordable Solar Home Systems

We are pleased to announce our partnership with innovative power solution provider, PowerOak. At Angaza, we are committed to streamlining the distribution of life-changing products to underserved communities in last-mile markets. Our alignment with PowerOak, which specializes in manufacturing affordable solar home systems designed specifically for off-grid living, will help us further our mission to […]

Angaza Aligns With BURN to Increase Access to Affordable Clean Cooking Solutions

Angaza is delighted to announce that we will be aligning our proven reputation for increasing affordability of life-changing products with BURN Manufacturing’s exceptional standards of quality and innovation in clean cooking technology. Together, Angaza and BURN will shine a spotlight on opportunities to increase access to affordable, reliable and safe clean cooking solutions in last-mile […]

Using Product Upgrades to Develop Lasting Customer Relationships in Emerging Markets

In last-mile markets, overcommitment to one-time sales interactions can limit profitability and hamper business growth. Distribution businesses that invest too heavily in reaching net new customers for every sales effort can end up hindering their ROI through expensive attempts to connect with increasingly hard-to-reach consumers. Establishing longer-term relationships with existing customers in these markets is […]

Angaza and NuovoPay Partner to Expand Access to Affordable Smartphones

Angaza is excited to partner with device locking technology platform, NuovoPay (a product by ProMobi Technologies), in an effort to increase access to life-changing affordable smartphones in emerging markets, while significantly reducing the risk associated with device financing for mobile phone distributors.  Together, Angaza and NuovoPay hope to equip smartphone distributors in last-mile markets with […]

Bringing Clean Cooking Technology to Last-Mile Markets

Nearly 2.8 billion people around the globe lack access to clean cooking technology and solutions, according to Clean Cooking Alliance’s recent ‘Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot 2021’ report. Lack of affordability of efficient cookstoves, as well as limited access to low-pollution fuels, can present challenges for low-income families in remote and underserved areas. Many of these […]

3 Ways to Increase Repeat Sales in last-Mile Markets

In last-mile markets, building positive relationships with low income consumers is critical if businesses intend to increase repeat sales and foster sustainable, long-term sales growth. With the right tools and technologies, last-mile distribution businesses in emerging economies can move beyond one-time or limited sales interactions, and provide consumers with the options they need to make […]

Customer Success Spotlight: Meet Natacha

At Angaza, we’re dedicated to making life-changing products affordable to over one billion consumers in emerging markets worldwide. Our Customer Experience team proactively engages and consults with our last-mile distribution partners to ensure they are getting the most out of their partnership with Angaza. In today’s team spotlight, Natacha Ishema, Senior Customer Success Manager at […]

How to Grow Your Last-Mile Distribution Business & Sell Any Product

Demand for durable consumer goods is increasing in emerging markets. Is your last-mile distribution business ready? Smartphone use in Africa is steadily increasing. Nearly 22.9 million smartphones shipped to Africa in Q3 2020 alone, and recent research from IDC observed a 1.6% YoY increase of device shipments to the region. This growth has primarily been […]